Welcome Letter
Letter to all experts in the field of thyroid cancer
Announcement of the first European Thyroid Cancer Workshop
Dear colleague,
Thyroid Cancer is a rare disease that requires an international and coordinated collaborative approach. Currently several European networks are involved in propagating patient care, research and education in the field of thyroid cancer. For reasons of quality and efficiency, these different organizations aim to improve their coordination and collaboration with regard to thyroid cancer.
As part of this collaborative approach, we will jointly organize the first European Thyroid Cancer Workshop. This workshop will be held digitally on November 13 and 20, between 5 and 7 pm, and is open to all experts involved in thyroid cancer.
On behalf of the ETA, EORTC, ESE, ENDO-ERN, and EURACAN, we are excited about this collaboration and look forward to further improve the care for patients with thyroid cancer.